"SNOWFALL” is a captivating art piece that pays homage to the acclaimed TV series. Inspired by the iconic Bad Boys Burger King image taken by photographer Chimodu, the artwork features the central characters Franklin Saint, Leon Simmons, and Uncle Jerome Saint donning a powerful and stylish recreation. This visually striking piece captures the essence of the show's gritty atmosphere and complex characters, bringing forth the intensity and intrigue of the world of SNOWFALL in a single, compelling image.
"SNOWFALL” is a captivating art piece that pays homage to the acclaimed TV series. Inspired by the iconic Bad Boys Burger King image taken by photographer Chimodu, the artwork features the central characters Franklin Saint, Leon Simmons, and Uncle Jerome Saint donning a powerful and stylish recreation. This visually striking piece captures the essence of the show's gritty atmosphere and complex characters, bringing forth the intensity and intrigue of the world of SNOWFALL in a single, compelling image.
"SNOWFALL” is a captivating art piece that pays homage to the acclaimed TV series. Inspired by the iconic Bad Boys Burger King image taken by photographer Chimodu, the artwork features the central characters Franklin Saint, Leon Simmons, and Uncle Jerome Saint donning a powerful and stylish recreation. This visually striking piece captures the essence of the show's gritty atmosphere and complex characters, bringing forth the intensity and intrigue of the world of SNOWFALL in a single, compelling image.
Limited Editions are printed on archival speciality paper. ( only 100 printed)
Love Editions & Love Edition Deluxes are printed on glass & are framed. (only 10 love editions & 5 love edition deluxes printed)
All pieces are hand signed & come with certificate of authenticity <3